Thursday, 23 August 2018

Slovakian natural life cover

Very wonderful cover.
thank you Jozef

0.65 -Cloonia nigra
0.65 -lutra  lutra

Brazilian bird cover

The cover depict Brazilian forest birds stamps.

German cover

Republic of Korean cover

Republic of Korean cover depict MS about 1993 dog year greeting stamps.

USA cover

Japanese panda cover

The cover depict the cute Panda and squirrel stamps

USA cover

Australian lighthouse cover

Australian cover

The cover depict two Australian forest stamps.
Another important stamps the Australian visit of  William Couple of Royal family  .

Romanian cover

The cover show three different stamps about Crucea voinicului (purple flower), Ursul brun bear stamp and Pyeongchang winter sport stamp(schi alpin) 

Taiwanese cover

Thank you Mr. Li

Chinese registered air mail

The cover show nice painting from museum.
Thank you Mr. Li

Mexican cover

Israel cover

Polish hand-ball cover

German cover

Asian sport game cover from Indonesia

German Cover